
Saturday, April 16, 2011

Thank you Jess and Tim

Meeting a lot of people everyday I see the good, the bad, the nasty and then there's people like Jess and Tim, there the kind of people that are always trying to do good and help others. I get phone calls from them when things are good so I can brag about life being great and calls when things are down and Jess reminds me that things can only get better and to keep going forward in life.

Now I remember telling Jess about my new room and I think she was more excited then me. Ha ha. But the first thing she said is I'd need bedding and things and said she would look around her house and pack things for me. Really what a great person.

I got a phone call yesterday saying she had a boot full of things for me for my room. I kept thinking oh-no my room is so small where would I keep it. But we set up a time for when I finished work and Jess and her husband Tim could come over and drop it off. I headed off to go do the couple of hours at the Call Centre.

Waiting outside the building to start I was thinking I shouldn't work tonight because my back was already hurting and sitting at the Call Centre I knew it would hurt a lot more. You see I do the Big Issue because when my back hurts I just don't work and rest it because when I push it to hard then it get worst as I go.

But I knew I'd go in because I was being counted on to fill my shift and working here was a great opportunity. I walked in there with a big smile and started making my calls. About an hour later I couldn't sit any longer. I stood up and put the computer on break time and walked out holding my head down in disgrace. I didn't hate myself I hated my back because it has such limits while my mind wanted to work twice the hours. Now I can take medication to stop the pain but then I'd be no good to anyone. I can't think quickly or straight.

The sad thing was I was great at the job and got very good stats but there's days where I'm strong and can work many hours but there's days were I can't work any. But the good news is I'm getting stronger in time.

I texted Jess and said not to bring the things over because I wasn't working again. You see I kept thinking if I didn't have enough to pay rent I would have a lot more stuff to move around and hey I can tell you when you move around a lot it's less is better.

Jess called and we talked and next thing I know I'm writing a email to try and keep my job. First I wrote it then I sent it to Jess to fix it and make it look and sound better. (she's smart. Ha ha) The email looked a lot better.

A few minutes later Jess and Tim came with a boot load of things. I meet Tim for the first time and held my hand out to shake his. A big smile and shook my hand with a firm shake. I could tell straight away he was a really nice guy. (It's a guy thing. Ha ha and sorry girls he's married to a great lady. Ha ha) We talked and then they opened there boot and the first thing I noticed was that it was all new things. I thought I was getting things they didn't need around there house. Let me say I was overwhelmed that I was getting all these things after having such a bad night.

After getting it all into my room we spread it all on the bed so I could really see what I got. Now I not much for bragging, Who am I kidding I love to brag about things like this. Ha ha Here is two people that went to the stores and bought all these things so a guy can feel at home in a room at a lodge. Here's what I got and it's all new.

A kettle, plates, towels, face washers, a clock, 2 pillows, a duck feathered dona, all matching covers for the pillows and dona, a polar fleece blanket, clothes, tin food and tea bags. Let me just say this would have cost a fortune and Jess and Tim were getting it out of the goodness of there hearts. I can say I slept warm and with a great big smile last night. Ha ha.

I said I'd pay them for the things they got me, but no they didn't want the money back so I said the next best thing “When I get on my feet I'll give the same to another homeless person and 'Pay it forward'”

So to Jess and Tim I say Thank you and it means a lot to me that you did this not just because I got all these things but because I know there's people like you helping others.


The funniest thing just happened. Here I am thinking of different things to write about, when a cockroach walked under my door and stop as soon as it seen me. I turned towards it and said “mate I don't have enough food for myself and if you think your staying here you have to pay your share of the rent” ha ha It turned around and left back under the door. Ha ha. Free loader. Ha ha


For some time now I have been asked if people give me clothes would I hand them out. I have always said I'd be happy to. Well I spoke to some lovely people at Micah Projects – Brisbane Homelessness Service Centre and they said “If I can get them clothes they would give them to homeless people that really need them.

So here's my plan. On the 4th of May I'll be working my pitch on Queen St at the Post Office Square and if people would like to donate cloths I'll collect them and I'll take them to Micah Projects for you. So now I'm asking everyone to please look in the cupboards and all the cloths that are still in good condition that they don't want or need any more bring them in. I said there will be car loads coming. Ha ha.

I did ask what kind of things are most needed. Here it is.
Winter is coming so warm clothes.
Blankets or sleeping bags.
Nice dress cloths so people can look good to go on “Job Interviews” that ones a big one needed. Ha ha
Please not clothes that are ripped or have holes in them. The idea is to give them clothes to feel better about themselves not to make them think they are only worthy of rags.

I know myself that before my accident I had clothes I'd never wear and they just sat there in the cupboard. If you have that too then please bring them in and let others feel better about themselves wearing something nice. It really could give them that “I am better feeling”

So please don't forget 4th May I'll be waiting. Ha ha. There's plenty of time to look high and low.

Micah Projects – Brisbane Homelessness Service Centre
62-64 Peel St, South Brisbane: 3036 4444


Thank you for reading my blog and I hope you all have a great day.
If you like my writing then please tell others as I love to share. Ha ha Or if you would like to there's a Donation Box to make donations which I use for myself and helping homelessness.
Grant the Polite Guy.

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